The Youth Ministry at CCTO exists to cultivate a space for the youth in our community to explore their faith,
build a relationship with God, and experience the kind of community that following Jesus provides.

Wednesday 6:30pm–8:30pm
Our Middle School Ministry emphasizes taking ownership over our faith and anchoring ourselves as we prepare for the coming years of growth together. All middle school students are welcome and encouraged to join us for our regular meeting in the youth center and on Sundays!
Tuesdays 6:30pm–8:30pm
The High School Ministry emphasizes developing a strong personal faith as we walk with one another in living out our faith in our everyday lives and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. Anyone in high school is welcome to join us at our regular meeting on Tuesdays! Please email us for more information!
Upcoming Retreats
Check back later for updates on future retreats!

Emily Jackels
Youth Ministry Director

Michael Ostrow
Youth Ministry Leader