Spiritual Formation is an important part of our community at CCTO.
But what is Spiritual Formation?
The best definition we’ve found is from M. Robert Mulholland Jr. in his book Invitation to a Journey. Mulholland defines it as “the process of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others.” God desires to take us on a journey with him, working and growing in our hearts in a way that affects our lives, and then the lives of others through us. Ephesians 4:23-34 gives a picture of this transformational work of God, and John 15:1-17 gives a model of this process, centered on abiding/remaining in Jesus.
Explore the information here, and please contact marty@ccto.org with any questions about spiritual formation and what we offer through Soul Care at CCTO.
"Abide and Go"

Would you like a time and place where you can gather with others and put prayer and other spiritual disciplines into practice?
This is not your traditional prayer night where requests are made and those who gather sit in a circle and take turns speaking to God. At “Abide and Go” we will explore all different types of prayer and put them into practice together. From ancient practices to newer expressions, we will explore and experience together the gift of meeting with our God who invites us into his presence. In John 15 Jesus invites us to “remain” or “abide” in him as the branch does in the vine. When we abide in Jesus, we are then sent out to be servants in God’s Kingdom. This is what we will model together at “Abide and Go.”
This is not your traditional prayer night where requests are made and those who gather sit in a circle and take turns speaking to God. At “Abide and Go” we will explore all different types of prayer and put them into practice together. From ancient practices to newer expressions, we will explore and experience together the gift of meeting with our God who invites us into his presence. In John 15 Jesus invites us to “remain” or “abide” in him as the branch does in the vine. When we abide in Jesus, we are then sent out to be servants in God’s Kingdom. This is what we will model together at “Abide and Go.”
Join each and every 2nd Monday at 6:30-7:30 pm. Contact marty@ccto.org with any questions.
DEVOTION SERIES - Shared Stories

In Soul Care Ministries we try to have a regular devotional series available to help our community grow in relationship with God through time spent in silence, solitude, and prayer. Shared Stories continues this tradition but with a twist; the devotions are written not by staff, but by all of you, our CCTO community. Every other week throughout 2024 one of our members will provide a devotion in the form of a personal story from their life with God. Read their story, reflect on how the story connects to your faith, and interact with the included Bible passage.
Click the link to access the devotions and follow our Shared Stories throughout 2024
Previous devotional series, "A Year with Jesus" is available here.
Introduction to Soul Care and Book Clubs

We offer opportunities throughout the year to learn about Spiritual Formation and to grow in relationship with God. Introduction to Soul Care is a 5 week class on the basics of Spiritual Formation, and Soul Care Book Clubs provide an opportunity to read a chosen book and discuss it with others.